Newest Material Added To The Performance Management and Appraisal Reference Library
We try to find the best material on all aspects of performance management, employee appraisal and workplace performance improvements. This page is where you can find the newest additions to our reference library. Entries are organized by date added,
By Sherrie Haynie - Forget about employee engagement. Think creating meaning of work for employees. That's how you create strong commitments from employees. Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )
By HRCouncil - As you go through this article, notice how many of the employee recognition methods require no additional funding. That's because salary and promotion are just two of the many ways companies can recognize employee contributions Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )
Giving Employees Performance Feedback
By Jamie Resker - This should be called getting feedback on how well you give feedback and how well you coach. Good article on the topic. Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )
Performance Appraisal Discussions and Meetings
By Sharlyn Lauby - This is pretty basic stuff, and you might miss the subtle angle -- that manager and employee need to work together, cooperatively in the performance review meeting. Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )
By David Creelman - This is one of the top 3 objections to eliminating performance appraisals. How do you handle pay? I'm not wild about this article's suggestions, but here they are. Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )
By David Creelman - This is an emerging issue as more people are hired to work on an occasional basis, and command higher salaries than regular employees. The result? Salary structures get disrupted. Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )
By David Creelman - Is experience and longevity going away as a partial determinant of pay? Here's an article discussing the possibility. Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )
6-Sep-2016 - 15:26:57
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