The Hooper-Bacal Method For Managing Employee Performance
The Hooper-Bacal Method for managing employee performance covers the entire process of setting goals, right through to reviewing performance during the year, and at the end of the review period. It's a powerful approach, yet doesn't require additional management time, and involves very little paperwork.
I've decided to do a series of articles, guides and explanations, including some sample forms you can customize.
Overview: The Basics Of The Approach
The fastest way to get a grasp of how the process works, this is where you should start and learn where the approach came from, and why it's so attractive.
Fair Merit Increases And Pay Raises: How Hooper-Bacal Works Better - Two Methods
It's thorny. How do you allocate resources to pay raises fairly and in a meaningful way? Hooper-Bacal provides at least two methods for rewarding superior performance. Here's how.
When Your Corporate Employee Review System "Sucks" (For Managers)
Most companies have really poor performance appraisal systems that simply don't work, but managers still have to use them. Does that mean that you can't use parts of the Hooper-Bacal method, and still reap the benefits. The answer is yes.
The Principles Underlying The Hooper-Bacal Method
We map out the realities of employee performance, and how the model capitalizes on them
Employee Motivation and Employee Engagement Principles It's pretty clear that managing performance should have a positive effect on the amount of effort and commitment staff have to achieve their work goals, and create the results they are asked to create. Here are some basic principles that underlie the employee motivation/employee engagement aspect of the method. Principles That Make Performance Reviews Worth DoingSInce nobody likes the annual review process, but it's often a necessary aspect of managing performance, how can we make the review meeting add value to the manager, employee, and employer? Here's the answer.
High Performance Managers: Principles The Best Managers Abide ByFew managers see performance management as benefiting THEM, but perceive them instead, as additional overhead -- work that human resources makes them do, but doesn't make their lives easier. That's a reflection of old performance management systems that have little relation to the reality of being a good manager. In this article, you'll learn the principles of best managers, and how they fit with the performance management model.
Value Added Performance Management -- Benefits For AllPerformance management and appraisal can only work if there is value added for all stakeholders, managers, supervisors, executives, and organization. Here's a partial rundown of how value is addef for everyone.
Nuts And Bolts Of The Hooper-Bacal Method For Managing Performance
The Hooper-Bacal method was developed from observing best practices, and not as much on theory. The best way to understand how it works is actually to start with the worksheets that I've created -- in effect, the forms used. Here's you'll find actual sample forms, blank ones, ones that you can customize, and in the body of the articles, I'll explain how it all works. It's actually remarkably simple.
The Forms Used, and How To Use Them To Manage and Evaluate Performance
The Barebones Performance Management Worksheet/Form
Here's a flexible example of a simple, barebones form or worksheet based on the model. Brief explanation is offerered about each of the columns in the form.
Example Of Partially Completed Performance Worksheet For A Receptionist
Here's a really quick example of how the form can be used for a receptionist, both as a method for communicating about job tasks, and as a final yearly performance review document.
Adding To, Or Extending The Performance Management Worksheet / Form
One advantage to the system is that it's possible to add any other components a manager needs to help improve performance. The form is so simple, and easy to modify, that one can add in additional columns, or pages. In fact one might want to do that, and you don't have to do it for everyone, but add in components as an individual requires more help. Here's more...
Need More Help?
If you would like more help learning about the Hooper-Bacal Model and how it might benefit you and your company, you can contact me via email ( I am available for consulting at a distance, conference speaking, executive meetings, and BRIEF training sessions (no more than one-half day).