When You Receive A Disappointing Review - What To Do?

What To Do When You Receive A Bad Performance Appraisal

In this video you'll learn about a few tips to get you through that unpleasant annual review meeting, and about some of your options if you receive a negative evaluation from your boss.

Nobody likes performance appraisals, but when you receive a review that is disappointing, or you feel does not accurately portray your performance, you are going to feel all kinds of emotions, all of them negative.

It's absolutely critical for your future to reflect on the situation before acting or saying things that could put your career in peril. A bad review isn't the end of the world, but if you handle it badly, it could be the end of your job.

Poor Review Doesn't Always Have To Be Bad

Remember that your appraisal can serve as an early warning system. Isn't it better to know there are problems (at least in the eyes of your manager), than to simply be fired due to lack of performance, out of the blue? Whether the review is accurate in your eyes or not, it TELLS you something about what you can do NOW.

For step by step help on how to be prepared for, and deal with a poor appraisal, please click here.

Hints, Tips and Advice On What To Do When You Recieve a Bad, Negative Employee Review

Bad Performance Review - Some Sage Wisdom

By na - Bad performance reviews are upsetting, but before you shoot yourself in the foot, read the advice in this article Viewed 565 Times )

How to Recover From a Bad Performance Review

By na - If you’ve received negative feedback about your job performance, don’t panic. The first step to recovering is to digest the news with poise. While it’s natural to feel defensive or angry during a bad review, career coaches advise against acting on these emotions to avoid making matters worse. Viewed 536 Times )

You got a Bad Performance Review, Now What?

By Andrea Murad - Some suggestions about how to turn a bad performance review into an opportunity to learn, and be more productive. Viewed 521 Times )

Dealing with a Bad Employee Performance Appraisal/Review

By na - One of the better set of tips and ways to cope with a bad employee appraisal. Has some ideas that are not in the other articles in this section. Viewed 569 Times )

7 Tips to Deal With a Bad Performance Review - Expert Advice For Employees

By Kathy Goodwin - More advice on dealing with a bad review. Viewed 543 Times )

What To Do About A Negative Performance Review

By na - A few suggestions here you might not have thought about as to what to do if you receive a negative performance review. Short, nice looking. Viewed 415 Times )

How to React to a Negative Performance Feedback

By Sidharth Thakur - Receiving a negative performance review will make you swing either of the two ways – you’re angry and get want to get back at your appraiser or you feel defeated and dejected and just want to hide. But neither of these two approaches is right to address the issue. If you succumb to your anger and get into a ruckus with your superior, things are bound to take a bad turn as your actions will do nothing more than add more fuel to the fire. The consequences can be as bad as getting thrown out of your job. Viewed 515 Times )

What can workers do if they get a bad performance review?

By SUZANNE LUCAS - Brief article explains that you can't lodge a legal type complaint because your review is "unfair". You can only do so if somehow the review has violated some law or statute. Viewed 328 Times )

Rewriting the bad review

By Rob Lenihan - This is too much. You're so angry you want to storm into your supervisor's office and unleash a blistering tirade that will curdle milk three ZIP codes away. A word of advice: don't. As painful as a negative performance review may be, experts say the first thing you should do in the face of such criticism is control your temper. There are scores of clich's to cover this, but it all boils down to not making a bad situation worse. This could also be an opportunity to learn about yourself. You may see areas in which you can change and not only keep your job, but advance as well. "The only way you can improve is if you know what you have to work on," said Laura Berman Fortgang, author of "Take Yourself to the Top" and president of Montclair, N.J.-based InterCoach Inc. Naturally, there will be times when it is best to find someplace else to work. But even then you shouldn't start telling people off. Get your new gig and leave -- you'll feel much better. Viewed 540 Times )

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Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


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  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

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