Robert Bacal's Books via Amazon

Performance Phrases For Performance Reviews

This completely revised and updated second edition of Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews provides hundres of ready-made phrases you can use to clearly communicate any employee performance in 74 different skill areas. ...more

Perfect Phrases For Setting Performance Goals

This completely revised and updated second edition of Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals provides hundreds of precisely worded performance goals you can put to use in virtually any situation. ...more

Performance Management - A Briefcase Book Second Edition Perfromance Managment A Briefcase Book

Proven strategies for maximizing employee commitment and performance As a manager, you know that employee performance is your most important asset—but are you making smart, well-thought-out efforts to leverage it to its fullest? Manager’s Guide to Performance Management helps you get the most out of your people by focusing on performance planning (instead of appraising), creating a dialog (instead of issuing directives), and solving problems (instead of pointing blame). ... more


Free to use training videos on performance management and performance reviewsAnnouncing Our New Videos On Managing Performance And Removing The Pain From Reviews

On this page you'll be able to access our new series of videos on various topics relevant to improving performance and productivity, and more specifically, how to use performance management (including appraisals) to get that done.


Dealing With A Poor Performance Review

It's a common question: How do I deal with a performance review that is less than I wanted? It happens, since most of us think we are above average, so there's bound to be times when we feel our manager is not appreciating our work. In this video, you learn a few tricks and ways to respond, and not respond so you don't make the situation into a disaster.

Are There Rock Songs About Employee Reviews Video

In this insightful, light-hearted just for fun video, we look at whether there are actually songs written about the dreaded employee review. But there's some serious points made.

Modernizing Performance Management For THIS Century

We cover ten ideas that MUST happen if employees, managers and companies are going to see any benefit to the time and emotional energy invested in reviews. Broken up into parts for your convenience.

Part 1: The Myth of Objectivity, Doing Things TO Employees, and The Importance of Negotiating

We tackle the myth of objectivity, a prime cause of disagreements between managers and employees, and one major reason why everyone hates appraisals.

Take Human Resources Out Of The Performance Review Loop If You Want Appraisals That Work

In this video, we suggest that having Human Resources (HR) in charge of performance reviews almost guarantees failure. Time for a change.

Tools, Methods, Mistakes, Oh My, Why Does It Hurt and What To Do About It?

Number One Mistake Companies Are Making With Rating Scales

Rating scales are the most common method for recording performance, and while they are terrible at helping people improve, there's another problem - a common one; Adding up ratings to determine employee value in one number.

The Damage Ranking Employees Will Cause

While it might be "common sense" to rank employees, there are a number of very serious side-effects rsulting from doing so. Here are the reasons why you will end up worse off by doing the ranking thing.

Use Our Performance Management Video Playlist For Fast Access

About Company

Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


Robert Bacal

Bacal's Books
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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (613) 764-0241
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address:

  • Bacal & Associates
  • 722 St. Isidore Rd.
  • Casselman
  • Ontario
  • Canada, K0A 1M0