Robert Bacal's Books via Amazon

Performance Phrases For Performance Reviews

This completely revised and updated second edition of Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews provides hundres of ready-made phrases you can use to clearly communicate any employee performance in 74 different skill areas. ...more

Perfect Phrases For Setting Performance Goals

This completely revised and updated second edition of Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals provides hundreds of precisely worded performance goals you can put to use in virtually any situation. ...more

Performance Management - A Briefcase Book Second Edition Perfromance Managment A Briefcase Book

Proven strategies for maximizing employee commitment and performance As a manager, you know that employee performance is your most important asset—but are you making smart, well-thought-out efforts to leverage it to its fullest? Manager’s Guide to Performance Management helps you get the most out of your people by focusing on performance planning (instead of appraising), creating a dialog (instead of issuing directives), and solving problems (instead of pointing blame). ... more


Performance Management and Appraisals Tools By Robert Bacal

In addition to a number of books written to help managers and employees succeed with performance management, employee reviews and appraisals, we have developed some tools to help in improving performance by using performance management PROPERLY. These "helpcards" focus on a single performance management topic (e.g. setting goals and objectives, conducting the employee review meeting) and set out, in a small "quick-read" format, the essentials for that topic.

Helpcards are ideal for those that need help fast, and would rather get the gist of things quickly rather than have to go through several hundreds pages from a book.

Below, we've summarized these tools. Each can be previewed prior to purchase and more information is available by clicking on the links.

How To Deal With A Negative Or Disappointing Performance Review

The most common question we're asked by employees is what they should do if they receive a disappointing, negative, or poor performance review. In this new (2013) addition to our performance management tools section, we've provided answers. But, don't wait until AFTER your review. Get this and make sure you read it BEFORE you walk in, just in case.

Progressive Discipline For Addressing Performance Problems

Performance problems are an uncomfortable fact of managerial life. But, if you use a progressive discipline process, and start early enough, it's possible to turn things around. Our helpcard provides a unique approach to progressive discipline that will be consistent with your company policy, and labor laws, and has a greater chance of turning around problem employees than would be the case with traditional progressive discipline approaches.

Diagnosing Performance Problems Helpcard

You can't improve performance or address performance problems properly unless you first understand what is causing them. This helpcard walks you through the process so you do it completely, accurately and end up with information about what actions to take to improve performance.

Performance Planning For Managers Helpcard

Setting goals and objectives with employees is a critical part of performance improvement and performance management. Learn how to do it properly so both manager and employee share a common understanding of what is expected.

Getting The Most From Performance Appraisals For Employees Helpcard

Performance appraisals work best when the employee is an active participant, since often it's the employee who can diagnose and formulate solutions to performance challenges, problems and barriers. This unique helpcard is written for employees, to help them understand the why's, hows, and benefits of engaging actively in the performance management and appraisal process. A unique approach to making employee reviews less painful.

Performance Management Master Checklist Helpcard

Performance management done properly operates as a system, with a number of inter-related parts. Each part needs to be carried out at the right time. If you miss something, the value of performance management and performance appraisals is often lost. Here, we outline the steps in a checklist format that you can use with each of your employees.

Performance Appraisals For Managers Helpcard

If you are looking for a clear, short and concise explanation of the performance appraisal process, its benefits to manager, company and employee, guiding principles and the steps, this is a great starting place. We've condensed the core information from our performance appraisal and management book onto one two sided 8.5 x 11 inch card you can refer to prior to beginning performance appraisals.


About Company

Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


Robert Bacal

Bacal's Books
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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (613) 764-0241
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address:

  • Bacal & Associates
  • 722 St. Isidore Rd.
  • Casselman
  • Ontario
  • Canada, K0A 1M0