Alternatives To The Annual Performance Review Meeting
Companies Look At Replacing The "Annual Review
There's always considerable criticism of the "annual review", to the point that some critics have suggested that we scrap the whole enterprise. Yet, companies hold on to the once a year process, presumably because they feel it serves some purpose.
Don't Scrap It. Fix it
The alternate view to abolishing the annual performance appraisal is that, since companies aren't letting go of the idea, that it's better to fix it so it produces positive results.
In this section we'll look at how companies (and critics) are moving towards the idea that the once a year evaluation process is flawed enough that it needs a complete overhaul. You'll see some case studies of companies that have changed their process, plus alternatives that have been suggested.
One note on terminology: When we talk about performance appraisals, we'll be speaking of the common use ot the term -- as a primarily once a year process, which is usually disconnected from communication all year round, and has become a kind of kindergarten score card that is neither specific enough or cooperative enough to impact on employee performance.
You'll find that many of the alternatives to the annual review suggests what I've been suggesting for at least a decade: That you have to integrate any performance discussions with helping staff understand what they are supposed to be doing (goal settings and supplying context, and also relying on year round communication.
We Know How To Manage Performance
Finally, we know enough about how workplace performance works that we can build performance management systems that work, and that remove a lot of the discomfort from the process. The problem isn't WHAT companies should be doing, but how we can encourage companies to CHANGE their old-fashioned visions about performance reviews as something that is done to employees by management.
Alternatives To The Annual Performance Review: Suggestions & Case Studies
By Chris Lee - Case Study: Traditional appraisal and evaluation systems focus almost exclusively on an employee's past performance. The desired result in each of these systems is better work performance. The very nature of most appraisals or evaluations, however, may inhibit performance unintentionally by focusing energy, attention, and effort on past shortcomings rather than future successes. An alternative form of evaluation, now in use at Bates College, is designed to foster a genuine, open dialogue between the employee and the supervisor. Through this process, called the Conversations Document, employees and supervisors work together to find solutions to performance challenges. Viewed 1642 Times )
By Joris Luijke - VP at Atlassian shares how they went about changing their performance review process. Excerpt: Do you ever wonder if and how you could call a halt to your performance review process? Do you think traditional processes are marred by the distribution curve (and forced rankings), huge time investments and low impact on performance improvements? Maybe you agree that your processes have their faults, but you think that it's not sensible to abolish performance appraisals altogether or replace them with coaching sessions . Keep reading... Let us be your guinea pig! Our organisation Atlassian is conducting an open review of our new performance review model for everyone to see. Viewed 1827 Times )
By Josh Patrick - In another article by Josh Patrick, he fleshes out how to use performance coaching as an alternative to the once a year annual review. he answers some questions, including about metrics, goals, etc. Viewed 1704 Times )
By Hamish Knox - In this piece the author suggests that the three elements of an effective performance management approach are: Funnel management, a weekly behavioral plan, and a personalized development plan. I suspect the weekly behavioral plan will be unacceptable to most managers as a FORMAL process. Too much time. Viewed 915 Times )
By Josh Patrick - Author suggests a shift to one-to-one coaching scheduled on about a monthly basis to replace the annual review. The problem, as the author suggests, is that going that route takes MORE time than many managers may be willing to allocate to the process. Viewed 934 Times )
By Robert Bacal - Written for smart managers who have to deal with absolutely terrible performance review systems forced upon them by human resources, this article explains how you can use the Hooper-Bacal method WITH your current failing system to make it better. Viewed 1030 Times )
By Brooke Way - Brief suggestions on how to change how performance reviews work, but it's pretty weak. Stresses more frequent communication about performance all year. It's more about tweaking the existing process rather than making major changes. Viewed 1261 Times )
By GREGG WARTGOW - In an overview of an article by Wally Hauck, the author talks about the Values and System Model and it's application to performance management. Viewed 1038 Times )
By Steve Rogalsky - Responding to Deming's criticism of performance reviews, here's one manager's story about applying systems thinking to the performance management process -- provides some questions to discuss in performance meetings. Viewed 901 Times )
By Robert Bacal - A quick overview of the Hooper-Bacal Method For Managing Performance, which still includes a cursory summative once a year meeting, but relies on informal discussions, year round communication and negotiated goals. It is based on a real world case. Viewed 1285 Times )
By Robert Bacal - More on the Hooper-Bacal Method and how it was used to determine pay increases and merit increases, in a relatively fair, and reasonable way. It's not perfect, but it may be the least unpleasant. Viewed 1097 Times )
By Rebecca Greenfield - Looks at the small trend to modify the annual performance review, and move to a continuous feedback model. Mentions the risk of feedback fatigue. Viewed 367 Times )
By Alice Waagen - Advice for small businesses suggests one is better off "reviewing performance' by asking a very few key questions, and having a CONVERSATION. Viewed 1283 Times )
By Lillian Cunningham - Announced in 2015, Accenture will get rid of the traditional annual review process and replace it with "after action reviews". Read about it here. Viewed 529 Times )
By Peter Crush - Several companies are discussed in terms of what they are doing to replace their previous annual reviews. Some shifts: focus on teams, smaller snapshots. Viewed 529 Times )
By Sabrina Son - Good article that briefly covers the failure of traditional performance reviews, and mentions seven companies that have, in effect, "ditched them". Viewed 621 Times )
By na - Recommended. A look at how these major companies have made the move to other approaches to performance management. Viewed 498 Times )
By Misa Han - Seek is one more company to change from a formal regular performance review system to an alternative. Find out why and how. Also note LinkedIn goes in the opposite direction. Viewed 441 Times )
By John Pletz - Motorola moves to eliminate both forced ranking, and employee rating from their performance management system. "So we decided to forget the rating and just link performance to pay more directly. You no longer have a forced bell curve, which can be demoralizing and can create a culture of infighting." Viewed 1058 Times )
By Dianne Rehm Show - Transcript of a radio show roundtable involving a variety of experts weighing in on the future of performance reviews. A little awkwardly formatted but quite enlightening. Includes an Donna Morris from Adobe. Viewed 836 Times )
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