Forms Letters and Other Tools
What You Need To Know About Performance Appraisal Forms
Managers and HR professonals are always looking to improve the forms they use to document the conversations around employee reviews. The problem is that often, people equate the forms, and filling them in, with success. That's one reason why so many appraisals are worthless.
Forms Aren't Appraisal
The thing to remember is that employee reviews are about THE CONVERSATION, rather than the record. The form is simply a recording tool. If the aim is to improve performance, and isn't that the important part, it's all about the interaction and problem solving that should take place during the entire performance management process.
Do You Want Meaningful Employee Reviews?
Don't modify the forms and assume you've improved something. Most often, companies revise their recording methods, and believe they have improve things, but nobody is really fooled. Regardless of the form, if you don't alter the fundamental aspects of performance management, all you do is engender cynicism on the part of those that need to use the forms -- employees and managers.
- Find performance management and appraisal forms you can modify, examples of documentation, tools
By NA - It is sometimes hard to understand why one task or activity is highly motivating and rewarding for a person and another isn't. Why does your employee find it boring to do that project you really need her to do? Viewed 1537 Times )
By Berkeley - The sample performance appraisal forms may be downloaded and printed for your own use Most Read Viewed 19776 Times )
By Halogen - Excellent source for sample forms for different occupations, including appraisal forms, goal setting forms. From Halogen Most Read Viewed 8462 Times )
By University of Oregon - The University of Oregon has different appraisal processes so they have different forms. This is the structured version described as follows: This format asks the supervisor to score the OA on a variety of job-related criteria. It provides clear evaluative documentation for the employee and furnishes the opportunity for comments and examples. Viewed 889 Times )
By UCAR - More forms used in real life organizations. This set contains the instructions used, the form in pdf format and a 2009 Suggested Performance Appraisal Schedule. There are also some WORD formated documents. This kind of material is good for a) using as an idea jogger to develop your own, and/or b) to see what is actually in use. Viewed 1704 Times )
By na - An upward performance appraisal system is a process by which individuals receive performance feedback from peers and subordinates. An increasing number of service firms are using upward performance appraisals to improve the communication, development, and productivity of employees. Included in this section because it contains a sample form for upwards appraisal. Viewed 1937 Times )
By Marist College - Here's a form from Marist College that provides space for employees to bring up issues and say a bit about themselves, in addition to containing standard evaluation type items using a verbal scale (which we like. Viewed 4420 Times )
By Mike Strand - Here's a short set of open-ended questions presented in a self-appraisal format for those that are asked to do a performance self-appraisal, or for managers who want their staff to start self-appraising. Most Read Viewed 6081 Times )
By Hartwick College - Sample appraisal form used in an educational setting. Includes sections for Projects, Goals and Key Activities. Most Read Viewed 6305 Times )
By Ohio State University - Once a regular performance appraisal has been established, the employee becomes comfortable with the process, and a formal written process may be added. Also, this formal written procedure may be used effectively with new employees. The following three pages present a sample performance appraisal form. If some sections do not apply to the situation, they can be modified or deleted altogether. Most Read Viewed 23559 Times )
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