What Are The Most Common Causes of Employee Poor Performance?
There are two main causes of performance problems. The first has to do with employee characteristics. Employee performance is based on the following: employee skill levels, motivation, ability, training, and other factors that "belong" at least in part, to the employee.
The second type of cause has to do with the system in which work is done. In this category are included: managerial behavior, allocation of resources, the effects of colleague behavior, and a wide range of variables that are, by and large, beyond the control of the individual employee.
when trying to identify the cuases of poor employee performance it's absolutely critical that both kinds of causes be examined. Even something like "poor employee motivation", something that would appear on the surface to be related to employee characteristics, is heavily influenced by the work environment. A work environment can be frustrating or demoralizing, so apparent poor employee motivation can itself be caused by a poor working environment.