Our Approach To Helping You With Performance Management Challenges

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To give you a feel for how we view the process of helping you address your challenges with performance management and appraisals, here's some information about our approach to helping. Be sure to check out our philosophy on performance management, too.

Sustainability & Empowerment: For some these are buzzwords, with very little meaning, so let me explain. We believe that any help we offer should allow you to create a sustainable performance management approach, that does not require expensive ongoing help from us. In other words, our work with you should put us out of the job. The point is this: We orient our performance management help and services to get you going in the right direction, so you don't need long term hand holding.

That doesn't mean we just run in, and run out. You can rely on us for support, but our goal is to empower your organization to build, use and improve performance management systems, without engaging in long term, hugely expensive consultants.

Pointing The Direction: To achieve sustainability, our orientation is to point the way. My experience is that once an organization understands the principles underlying effective performance management, it can work out many of the details on their own. We teach principles, and their application. After all, do you really need someone from outside to re-design your performance appraisal form?

Helping To Change Mindset: One major reason performance appraisals are so "stuck" in bad places is that most of us think of them as our fathers, and grandfathers did, because that's what we experienced. But the world changed, and effective performance management isn't something that managers can "DO TO EMPLOYEES", and succeed. One of our roles is to help managers think differently about the process, and in a way that reflects the realities of THIS century.




About Company

Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


Robert Bacal

Bacal's Books
About The Company
About Our Performance Management Philosophy
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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (613) 764-0241
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address:

  • Bacal & Associates
  • 722 St. Isidore Rd.
  • Casselman
  • Ontario
  • Canada, K0A 1M0