Research On The Effectiveness of Performance Management and Performance Review

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The Busy Learner's Kit For Making Performance Management and Appraisal VALUABLE: Walking The Path Together by Robert Bacal

Everyone has opinions about performance management and the effectiveness of performance reviews, mostly in the negative.

Fortunately there's a fair amount of research on effectiveness, and also what aspects of managing performance and reviews work best.

Unfortunately, a lot of that research is published in journals and other venues to which most of us cannot gain easy access.

In this section we'll provide links to various research studies that have been published in management journals, journals of psychology and related publications.

Our rule for most of this site is to review and include ONLY material that can be accessed free of charge, and without registration. For this topic, because there isn't much free access, we are including links to abstracts that ARE free to read, but the full articles often require a paid subscription.

If you have access to a university library, you may find they have the journals in question, so if you want to read a full journal article make sure to record the citation.


The Current State of Performance Appraisal Research and Practice: Concerns, Directions, and Implications

By Robert D. Bretz Jr., Cornell University - This review of the literature spreads light on the state of performance appraisal, and includes references and citations. While undertaken in 1992, still a valuable resource. Viewed 1289 Times )

Performance Appraisal Research: A Critical Review of Work on The Social Context and Politics of Appraisal

By Jenkins , Alan - This paper reviews existing literatures on the analysis of performance appraisal (PA) paying special attention to those which try to take into account the %u201Csocial context%u201D of appraisal systems and processes. The special place of political action within these processes is underlined and the different levels at which politics need to be considered in research are outlined. Research on politics is considered and shown to lack an adequate consideration of the social relations involved in the reciprocal interactions between PA tools and processes and users interpretation and manipulation of them. Viewed 1704 Times )

Experiencing Performance Appraisal in a Trust Hospital

By NA - Contemporary performance appraisal (PA) has become an important tool in the overseeing of employees in work. Little of the vast literature however, has focused on its effects on the individual, beyond simple descriptions that inform its management implementation. This article firstly examines the changing nature of employee management under PA, before it investigates the contemporary usage of PA and the effects on women. This is illustrated with research, gathered from a case study in the Midlands. Viewed 1958 Times )

2011 Public Service Employee Survey - Focus on Performance Management

By Government of Canada - Performance management is recognized as being essential to creating a high-performing workplace, and "organizations where people are properly managed bring about self-motivation to do a good job." See footnote 2 In his Nineteenth Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada, the Clerk of the Privy Council set clear expectations for performance management in the public service and stressed its importance in achieving excellence, stating that managers are to set high standards for individual performance and are to expect employees to meet those standards. See footnote 3 This report analyzes the results of the PSES as they pertain to performance management and sheds light on the relationships between performance management and other aspects of employees' work and work environment. Although these relationships cannot be interpreted as ones of cause and effect, information on them can help managers and human resources leaders better target their efforts to strengthen performance management in the public service. The survey contained three questions related to performance management that were used for the purpose of this analysis. Viewed 421 Times )

NursingCenter - Performance Appraisals

By DONNA L.M. MITCHELL AND ESTHER GREEN - ABSTRACT: To accomplish effective performance reviews and appraisals that respect employee dignity, managers must cultivate a wide range of competencies. Systems are required to observe and collect data, cue and measure observations, and then interpret behavior. Managers regard handling disciplinary problems and criticizing subordinates' performances as the most stressful aspects of their work. Evaluating an employee's performance at an annual meeting is one of the tasks managers most dread. Viewed 1681 Times )

Managing performance: building accountability for organisational success

By DDI - Some research findings (survey based) on the process of managing employee performance by DDI Viewed 1156 Times )

Competency-Based Performance Appraisals: Improving Performance Evaluations of School Nutrition Managers and Assistants/Technicians

By Evelina W. Cross, PhD, RD; Amelia Estepa Asperin, PhD; Mary Frances Nettles - The purpose of the research was to develop a competency-based performance appraisal resource for evaluating school nutrition (SN) managers and assistants/technicians. Viewed 1930 Times )

Study: Performance Appraisals Are Damaging HR's Reputation

By PeopleIQ - 96 percent of employees, mangers and CEOs agree that performance appraisals should differentiate high and low performers. But only 18 percent agree that their current system actually does differentiate high and low performers. That's one of the results of a survey done about performance management and appraisal. See the rest. Viewed 1083 Times )

Performance Management In

By Peter Smith - In its latest attempt to improve performance, the British National Health Service (NHS) has turned to the business models of performance management. A range of managerial instruments has been deployed, signaling national priorities to local managers and seeking to offer the information, incentives, and capacity they need to respond appropriately. The arrangements are intellectually coherent and offer the prospect of major improvements in the quality of British health care. However, implementation is at an early stage, and some key issues have to be addressed. The various performance management instruments have not yet been properly aligned, and greater conceptual clarity in implementation is required. Performance management will not be fully effective unless adequate capacity--in information, leadership, and managerial resources--is made available. Viewed 1425 Times )

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Pages Updated On: 6-Sep-2016 - 15:26:57

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Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

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