Performance Management and Appraisal - General

Top : Performance Management and Appraisal - General - Here you'll find a number of high quality articles on performance management and appraisal. Only the best are listed.

Performance Management Articles, Guides and Help:

Performance Management Orientation Guide

By na - An effective employee performance management program will improve retention of your best employees, more quickly identify your lowest performers, and ensure everyone in-between gets the coaching, guidance and development opportunities they need to do their best work. Unfortunately, most performance management program fall far short of these goals. Viewed 724 Times )

Why Improving Performance Management Systems Is So Difficult - Part 1

By Robert Bacal - One of the salient aspects of working with companies wishing to improve performance appraisal and management systems is the simple repetition of a phenomenon. Most companies redesign their performance management systems. Sometimes they attempt total redesigns. Sometimes it's tweaking it, changing the forms and so on. Perhaps the strangest thing is the common result most companies receive. Viewed 903 Times )

Why Improving Performance Management Systems Is So Difficult - Part 2

By Robert Bacal - What amazes me about many performance management refurbs is that the employees are almost entirely ignored throughout the process, although sometimes there is token involvement. Viewed 878 Times )

Why Ratings Based Employee Appraisals Fail

By Robert Bacal - Author of McGraw-Hill Book on Performance Management explains why rating employees is a poor way to do performance appraisals Viewed 1624 Times )

Is the appraisal an HR tool of the past?

By Mary Isokariari - Acknowledges the flaws in traditional reviews, and suggests some principles to apply for a new, revised way of doing appraisals. Viewed 325 Times )

Setting Goals And Leadership

By Don Clark - Step by step process for setting goals, and the relationship of setting goals and objectives and performance management Viewed 2594 Times )

Performance Appraisal and Standards - Overview of Performance Management Systems

By na - Very nice overview of performance management, its history, different methods available for implementation and a lot more. Viewed 500 Times )

What Are The Components of A Performance Management System?

By Robert Bacal - Performance management is a system which several components or parts, all of which are needed to make it work. Here they are. Viewed 1040 Times )

What Is Performance Management?

By Robert Bacal - Performance management defined. What is is? What is it for? Viewed 1030 Times )

A Tale of Two Performance Reviews - Between Hell and Heaven

By Robert Bacal - Meet Jessica and Mike, one is stuck in performance review hell. The other is making it work. Viewed 525 Times )

A Different Tactic - The Boss Evaluates You, You Evaluate The Boss

By Robert Bacal - Bi-directional performance management recognizes that for performance to improve, both manager and employee must receive feedback on how well they are fulfilling their obligations to the organization and to each other Most Read Viewed 7084 Times )

Why Employee Ranking Systems Lead To Disaster

By Robert Bacal - Ranking employees, particularly for determining promotion, and pay, or even for providing developmental feedback simply makes no sense. It is not a neutral process, or just a costly process--it is a recipe for disaster. Viewed 2615 Times )

Diagnosing Performance Problems

By Robert Bacal - In this article we will outline a model of factors influencing employee performance, so that you are less likely to ignore a possible source of performance deficit Viewed 3090 Times )

What Is The Difference Between Performance Management and Performance Appraisal?

By Robert Bacal - Performance management and performance appraisal are NOT the same thing, and many managers trip over this. Here's the differences. Viewed 1116 Times )

Is Your Performance Appraisal System Outdated?

By Doug Staneart - Is Your Performance Review System Outdated? - Most companies today use a performance appraisal system or a performance review system that was invented decades ago in a much slower business economy. So data that is given to employees in annual, semi-annual, or even quarterly reviews tends to be outdated by the time it is received by the person who could benefit most from the information -- the employee. Viewed 1468 Times )

Has Your Performance Appraisal Lost its Way?

By Erika Ofodirinwa - Performance Appraisals can be an effective tool in reaching realistic outcomes, but those outcomes must be clear and understandable. The issue with performance appraisals is that the lines between what they are and what they are not have become blurred. In their book "Abolishing Performance Appraisals" Coen and Jenkins (2002) points out that organizations often bundle performance appraisals as a multi-functional tool. The problem arises when performance appraisals are overburdened with too many tasks. When one tool has too many tasks its intended purpose becomes confusing and even contradictory causing the performance appraisal to "lose its way." So how do you help your lost performance appraisal find its way? To start, we need to stop expecting performance appraisals to be something more than what they are. There are two general reasons why we conduct performance appraisals in the first place; to objectively assess and document employees' performances and productivity, and to provide coaching opportunities to employees. Viewed 559 Times )

Traditional Performance Management - The Theory (free book chapter)

By Robert Bacal - Free Book Chapter - There are countless variations on the details of what we can call traditional performance management. We are going to construct a composite that reflects the literature on the subject so that we can look beyond the superficial logic of the traditional approach Viewed 1665 Times )

Why Does Most Performance Management, or Appraisal, Fail?

By Robert Bacal - Most performance management and performance appraisal efforts end up as failures, costing the company more than they return. It doesn't have to be that way if you avoid the common reasons why performance management fails. Viewed 903 Times )

Is Performance Management Related To Strategic Planning?

By Robert Bacal - Performance management works best when it is connected to other business processes. Here's an explanation of how performance management and strategic planning are related and linked. Viewed 982 Times )

Alternative performance reviews

By David Zatz, Ph.D., Toolpack Consulting - Review of alternative methods of reviewing performance, such as peer feedback, 360 degree, etc. How to use alternative systems to best advantage. Viewed 3209 Times )

Performance Appraisals Don't Work

By Susan M. Heathfield - Second only to firing an employee, managers cite performance appraisal as the task they dislike the most. This is understandable given that the process of performance appraisal, as traditionally practiced, is fundamentally flawed. It is incongruent with the values-based, vision-driven, mission-oriented, participative work environments favored by forward thinking organizations today. Viewed 1893 Times )

Graphical Method on Performance Appraisals | Small Business -

By Jennifer Williams - Performance appraisals are annual reviews of an employee's performance against predetermined sets of criteria. They demonstrate how near the employee's performance is to optimal, and how effective the performance is in helping the organization reach its core goals. Raises and bonuses are calculated based on results. The graphical method plots performance in each criteria as a number on a graph. The graphical method is the traditional approach to performance appraisals and is still used heavily due to the clarity of the end result. Both the employer and the employee need only glance at the graph to know which areas of performance are exemplary, standard or need improvement Viewed 740 Times )

4 Performance Management Trends to Watch in 2012

By Craig Schiff - In what is an unintentionally ironic article, the author suggests that four performance management trends are "gaining momentum". Ironic, since despite all the new technical bells and whistles, not much has changed in fifty years. Viewed 579 Times )

Performance Management Techniques Will Have to Change as Millennials Take OverBusiness Administration Information

By David Rogers - Millennials -- those born after 1980 -- change jobs more often than the average worker, and this is just one of the characteristics of the new generation of workers that will force performance management tactics to change in the coming years. "Reinventing the Performance Review," a new report by, indicates that by 2020, Millennials will make up about 50 percent of the workforce as they replace retiring baby boomers. This sea change will bring about massive changes in not only the workforce itself, but in how that workforce is managed, since Millennials have a different view of what the work environment should be than the generations that came before. This in part explains why Millennials change jobs about every three years, while the average worker today changes jobs every 4.6 years Viewed 470 Times )

Performance Management Clearing House

By NA - Not an article but a government site for sharing information about performance management, particularly within government Viewed 965 Times )

Improved Performance Starts with Planning

By NA - The final article in this series provides suggestions for avoiding dangers and pitfalls when planning work and setting goals. The information contained in this article was taken from Goal Setting: A Motivational Technique That Works! by Edwin A. Locke and Gary P. Latham. Viewed 1205 Times )

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Pages Updated On: 6-Sep-2016 - 15:26:57

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About Company

Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

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