Giving Employees Performance Feedback

Top : Giving Employees Performance Feedback - Feedback is an essential part of improving performance regardless of current performance levels. It's needed to maintain high performers, and improve poor performers. Learn to provide feedback to employees.

Performance Management Articles, Guides and Help:

Do You Give Good Performance Feedback? Your Cardio Machine Does!

By Paul Plotczyk - If the intent of a performance appraisal discussion is to have the employee change their behavior, then it seems to make sense for the manager to tell the employee what is expected. Having a conversation with an employee about the past certainly gives us information about what the person has done, and some say it is the only proof we have about what they may be capable of. I disagree. The past is not a 100% accurate predictor of the future - if it were, we would all still be in diapers, crawling around eating dirt. As a manager, being clear and specific about your expectations, helps ensure that you and the employee can create a foundation for a future that is different than the past. Stop complaining and start expecting - just like the machine! Viewed 570 Times )

Seven Tips for Delivering Performance Feedback

By Paula Peters - Giving employees honest feedback on their performance can be one of the toughest jobs a manager can do. Leaders often shy away from delivering the honest feedback their employees need because it is uncomfortable and can seem overwhelming to deal with. Yet without good feedback, your operation cannot improve productivity, and your employees cannot grow and learn. Before you walk into your next performance review, here are seven tips to help take the sting out of giving feedback. Viewed 4074 Times )

Truth or Consequences: How to Give Employee Feedback - Expert Advice

By Judith Lindenberger - If you want to improve employee performance through the use of performance appraisals or employee reviews, you must be able to provide employee feedback in a way that is non-threatening and helpful. Here's how. Viewed 2326 Times )

Are Your Managers Giving Effective Feedback?

By Jamie Resker - This should be called getting feedback on how well you give feedback and how well you coach. Good article on the topic. Newest Additions Viewed 0 Times )

Employee development - self assessment f- A self appraisal system to set your own performance goals

By na - An interesting twist on appraisals is described -- the employee becomes the primary source of appraisal through a self-appraisal system. Viewed 2974 Times )

Provide Feedback That Has an Impact

By Susan Heathfield - Straight talk and practical hints about how to deliver performance related feedback to employees. Viewed 3310 Times )

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Pages Updated On: 6-Sep-2016 - 15:26:57

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Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


Robert Bacal

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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

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