Tips, Hints And Advice: How To Get The Most From Employee Reviews and Performance ManagementSoftware, Technology, and Managing Performance: A Good Match?

Top : Advice and Suggestions

If you search on the Internet for advice on how to make reviews work, you'll find thousands of articles, many of them saying similar things, but most are simply not very insightful.

Yet, whether you are a manager, or in the Human Resources department looking for fixes, and getting frustrated, keep positive, because making these things works really isn't a big secret. It's just that you have to go to the right sources.

First, before you browse the articles below, consider my books on the topic, which have stood the test of time. The best way to find our books in on amazon, so if you want to start there, the author profile for my books (all of them, not just the performance management ones) is here.

Second, as you browse the articles below, keep a critical eye. Don't look for easy, quick fixes, because they NEVER work. Pay special attention to tips and advice that focus on communication between manager and employee. Do NOT focus on forms, or trying to make the forms better, since that doesn' work either.


Advice, Hints, Tips On How To Improve Employee Appraisals And Managing Performance

HR Practice Tip: Reduce the Pain of Performance Evaluations

By na - Training managers to perform effective and consistent evaluations is essential, since both managers and employees often are uncomfortable discussing performance. The training should include warning supervisors to refrain from the following eight common errors that can distort and even invalidate the evaluation process Viewed 1740 Times )

Should I Continue To Do Performance Management and Staff Appraisals Even If Pay Is Not Based On The Results?

By Robert Bacal - Many managers stop doing performance management and employee reviews when salary is no longer tied to the results. Bad idea. Here's why. Viewed 1231 Times )

Appraising Performance Appraisals - READ THIS

By Russ Banham - EXCELLENT take on performance appraisals, and what executives can do to make it work, complete with some references and corporate examples. Worth reading. Viewed 561 Times )

Process and Results-The Twin Challenges of Performance Management. By Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.

By Dennis E. Coates - A large, exclusive retirement community began using performance appraisal several years ago. Although the completed appraisals are kept on file, their only practical use has been to determine the amount of an employee's salary increase. The problem is that managers are given quotas for the increases, so they award ratings more to justify the increases than to record an evaluation of performance. Consequently, many employees complain that their evaluations are inaccurate and unfair. Every year this process stirs feelings of stress, anger and distrust that linger for months. Viewed 895 Times )

Will Employees Self Evaluate Themselves Unrealistically High?

By Robert Bacal - Managers are often concerned that employees asked to self evaluate or self appraise their performance will tend to be more lenient, or evaluate themselves in an artificially positive way. It's a realistic fear but it's often not true. Learn why. Viewed 1348 Times )

For Employees - My Supervisor Stopped Doing Staff Appraisals Once I Reached The Top of My Pay Grade. What Should I Do?

By Robert Bacal - Many managers stop doing appraisals when pay is no longer dependent on them. If you are an employee, should you worry about that? Here's the answer. Viewed 1836 Times )

Alternative Effective performance appraisals and evaluations

By na - The best performance reviews let managers and employees communicate -- share ideas, opinions, and information. Unfortunately, most traditional reviews put managers into the position of uncomfortable judges, ostensibly telling employees how their work either fit the bill -- or didn't. Possibly because of this, most traditional reviews are no better than the manager's off-the-cuff judgements, and some may be illegal. Because of these problems, new types of reviews are coming into play. Most require that evaluations be done not for raises, promotions, or bonusses, but for growth, development, and communication. The most important aspect in every case is communication between the employee and other people, instead of one-way communication, for higher performance. Viewed 2745 Times )

How to Make Performance Appraisals Meaningful | LoveToKnow Blogs Business

By Andre Lavoie - Editor Pick: Addresses some issues often missed: failure to meet employee needs, incomplete measurements and the need for diverse reward structures so they can be customized for employees Viewed 367 Times )

We're Looking at Performance Management in the Wrong Way

By Kathy Gurchiek - Excellent article that gets to some of the problems with the mindset of how we look at performance management and employee reviews that undermines their usefulness. Ties performance management into employee engagement. Viewed 624 Times )

Five Reasons Why Your Performance Evaluation System Doesn't Work

By Tony Morgan - A couple of nuggets here on why evaluations may not be working, but this is too simple to get us too far, sadly. Viewed 668 Times )

Employee Evaluation Help for Non-Profits

By TGCI - Ten part article (parts are short) focusing on how to use employee evaluation techniques in non-profit organizations. Useful stuff! Viewed 2020 Times )

Conducting Employee Performance Review Tips

By na - Fairly short suggestions on conducting the performance review meeting, starting with greeting, summary, and going through strengths, weaknesses, feedback, salary and closing. Viewed 3890 Times )

Motivate staff to take performance appraisals seriously

By Steve A. Watson - Performance appraisals and reviews work best when employees take them seriously and participate actively. Learn how to motivate your employees to be full participants in the process and work as partners. Viewed 1531 Times )

Performance Reviews: What Your Employees Are Really Thinking |

By Jeff Haden - Introduces the idea of "counter-factual" thinking" as an explanation of why performance reviews don't seem to have much impact on behavior. Viewed 606 Times )

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Pages Updated On: 6-Sep-2016 - 15:26:57

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About Company

Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

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