360 Degree Feedback - What Works, What Doesn't

What You Need To Know About 360 Degree Feedback

There's a lot of misunderstand about 360 degree feedback, which is unfortunate, because it "can" be a powerful method for people to improve their performance, particularly at the higher levels in an organization.

Unfortunately, the 360 feedback method is used incorrectly, and far too often.

For example:

Most 360 feedback systems, regardless of how they are structured, provide anonymity to commenters (feedback givers). The reason is to try to get more honest information, but the problem is that for ANY feedback to work, recipients need to interact (dialogue) with the feedback giver. For example, if rating systems are used, they offer almost zero information about what a person needs to change, IN ACTIONABLE TERMS. Too vague. Or, consider that the recipient needs to evaluate the source of the feedback. Is it someone the person respects? Is the person knowledgable?

None of this can happen when anonymity is the norm.

Second, 360 feedback works only in work environments where there is a fairly high level of maturity, and people WANT feedback from those included. Forced 360 participation is just as likely to cause bad feelings, (and vague feedback), as it is to make things better.

360 Feedback One Of The More Psychogically Complex Ways To Help People Learn

Of all the systems out there connectedt to performance reviews and feedback, this one is the most psychologically complex. That means, in practical terms, that if a company doesn't understand these complexities, it's not going to succeed with it.

More Sources For Information On Using Feedback Systems

360 degree evaluation: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask

By na - A transcript of a conference presentation on the topic of 360 degree feedback. Quite extensive. Most Read Viewed 5309 Times )

Better 360 Degree Evaluations

By Karen Carney - You don't need a fancy software program to get accurate results. Plenty of small companies develop their own low-tech, paper-and-pencil 360� feedback systems and achieve great results. Viewed 1552 Times )

Beware the Pitfalls of 360 Feedback

By EQ - "Our parent company had us go through 360 degree feedback," one of the local vice-presidents explained. "I got my results in a group meeting, read them over, and put them away." The other members of the Executive Team nodded in agreement. None of them had gotten anything constructive out of the experience. The parent company did not get the results it hoped for, and it damaged its own credibility at the local level. 360 degree feedback is increasingly popular in business today. "360 degrees" means that participants get feedback from the full circle of those around them. For example, an executive might get rated on how well he displays certain leadership behaviors. Raters could include his boss, his peers, his own direct reports, himself, and possibly customers and vendors. The results give the participant the chance to compare his own view of himself with that of others. It gives us the chance to see ourselves as others see us. Viewed 669 Times )

Is there a problem if we use anonymous feedback in 360?

By Robert Bacal - Anonymous feedback incurs and causes problems in a 360 degree feedback system. Learn the pitfalls so you can avoid them. Viewed 1432 Times )

Is forced or mandatory participation in 360 degree feedback a problem?

By Robert Bacal - Before you force employees to participate in 360 degree feedback programs, make sure to read this. There's problems. Viewed 1483 Times )

Are there legal risks associated with the use of 360? Are they legally defensible?

By Robert Bacal - The answer is yes, there are legal risks with 360 degree feedback, and there are court cases, and you'd better be aware of them if you have or use a 360 degree feedback system. Here's the details. Viewed 2388 Times )

360 Degree Feedback Survey DEMO

By na - A DEMO of a commercial product, but worth looking at to get a feel for online survey/360 techniques. This is a demonstration of a multi-competency multi-level multi-rater feedback questionnaire. A login is not required for this demo. Just press the button below to view the on-line questionnaire. Viewed 1510 Times )

The Role of Subordinates in 360 Feedback

By na - A major issue in the use of 360 feedback systems is the use of subordinate ratings. Traditionally, North American businesses have been hierarchically structured, with little upward communication. Each work role was clearly defined and divided. Recently, subordinates have been given the opportunity to assess their superiors and participate in some of the decision-making processes. This development has blurred the organizational boundaries and led to new styles of management. Consequently, many managerial worries have arisen due to these changes. This article speaks of the importance and validity of subordinate appraisals when completing the 360 degree Feedback. Viewed 812 Times )

360 Degree Feedback Shootout: A Vendor Comparison of 360 Performance Management Tools: Software, ASPs, and Service Bureaus multi-source or m

By Elizabeth Fried - We describe several different scenarios with varying requirements and indicate which software applications fit best. We also developed a comprehensive grid, providing detailed comparisons of the programs, feature by feature. This grid is much like one seen in PC Magazine or Consumer Reports. However, the editors at HRMagazine had space constraints and significantly reduced this section. We believe that when you are seriously looking at 360-feedback software, the comparison grid is exactly what you want to help you make the right choice. We wanted to give you that option, so we continue to update it and have reproduced the grid for you from our site to a PDF Version. The following grid is our fifth update and compares six products: 20/20� Insight GOLD, eLISTEN%u2122, Panoramic Feedback%u2122, MindSolve Visual Performance - Visual 360�, ECustom%u2122, and Compass%u2122. Viewed 2735 Times )

Panoramic Feedback: 360 Degree Feedback and Performance Management Solutions

By Timothy Bentley - For half a century, 360-degree feedback has contributed to the development of fine leaders. Unhappily, it has sometimes been imposed on unready organizations, deployed in a risky manner, and earned a mixed reception. The guidelines below will help you avoid these pitfalls, devise an effective process, and select a good instrument. Viewed 887 Times )

Top Ten Reasons Why an Organization Should Adopt 360 Feedback Performance Appraisal

By na - Top ten Reason why an organization should adopt 360 Feedback Performance Appraisal. Keep in mind that a number of articles about the benefits of 360 feedback are authored by those that sell related software. Viewed 886 Times )

Where to Start: Questions the 360 Design Team Needs to Ask

By Timothy Bentley - Excerpt from The Complete 360-Degree Feedback Resource Kit, published by Panoramic Feedback�. References to volumes, below, are to the Kit. These four sets of questions will help your design team ensure they cover the crucial issues in 360 planning. Viewed 769 Times )

Best Practices in 360 Degree Feedback

By na - The design and implementation of the 360 degree feedback system requires thoughtful planning. Are the employees accepting the system? Are the goals, procedures and benefits of the system clearly defined? Is the rating instrument relevant, valid and reliable? Please carefully review the recommendations made in this article that have been derived from extensive research on how to ensure the success of the 360 degree feedback system. Viewed 1366 Times )

Our 360-degree Assessments Are Failing Us. What's The Solution?

By na - The solution is probably to stop doing 360 feedback anonymously, and understanding why it doesn't work. Viewed 502 Times )

Does 360 degree feedback really work in practice?

By Robert Bacal - Does 360 degree feedback really work? Often it fails badly, but it can work. Here's an update on the status of 360 degree feedback success. Viewed 1943 Times )

Is there an alternative to forced 360 that does the same thing?

By Robert Bacal - You may be able to gain the benefits of a 360 degree feedback system that doesn't require fancy software or a formal 360 system. Here's how. Viewed 1518 Times )

10 Steps: How to Create Effective 360 Degree Performance Appraisals

By na - Looking for help with SETTING up a 360 degree feedback program from scratch. Heres a roadmap. Viewed 365 Times )

PRESS RELEASE: 360-Degree Feedback Content Linked to Higher Accuracy In Measuring Retail Store Sales

By na - Brief summary of research by the 3D group that examined whether 360 degree feedback increased higher accuracy in measuring retail sales. Results indicated positive effect of 360 feedback. Viewed 908 Times )

The Jewish Ethicist: 360-Degree Feedback

By Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir - An analysis of the ethical issues attached to using 360 degree feedback within a Jewish perspective. Also pitfalls of using 360 degree feedback. Viewed 1035 Times )

360 Degree Feedback: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Defines and Examines Multirater Feedback

By Susan Heathfield - A three part article offering an overview of what 360 degree feedback is, its benefits (the good), and potential problems (the bad and the ugly). Most Read Viewed 6572 Times )

Protecting Integrity in Governance with 360-Degree Feedback

By David Hallam - Can 360 degree feedback be useful in preventing ethical misconduct, and protecting integrity? This article makes the case for using 360 degree feedback for that purpose and offers some suggestions about how to do it. Viewed 1083 Times )

360-degree Feedback: Weighing the Pros and Cons

By Terri Linman - Excellent article that explains what 360-degree feedback involves, and explains the pros and cons. Worth reading before you start the process. Take not of the factors implicated in the failures of 360 feedback implementations. Viewed 4471 Times )

Retooling 360s for Better Performance

By Lauren Keller Johnson - For better or worse, the 360-degree feedback tool is standard operating procedure in many organizations. Harvard Management Update evaluates the evaluation method---and sees room for improvement Viewed 1774 Times )

Top tips on 360-degree surveys

By Gary Cattermole - My opinion on the value of 360 is clear: anonymous 360 feedback is a waste of time, but if you are going to do it, here are twelve suggestions that might help a bit. Viewed 314 Times )

How to Avoid The Dangers of 360 Feedback

By Dennis Coates - In the end, leaders are responsible for managing performance both competence and results. Performance appraisal and 360 feedback are tools that help leaders fulfill this responsibility powerful tools, when used with care and good judgment Viewed 2924 Times )

360-degree feedback: how to avoid a disaster

By Curtiss S. Peck - 360 degree feedback is a tool that can have a positive impact but can also create very negative outcomes. This article explains the pitfalls and dangers of 360 and how to avoid them. Viewed 2767 Times )

Top tips on 360-degree surveys

By Gary Cattermole - 360 degree feedback has been around for a while, and IMHO it's rarely a good practice, but if you are using it, or want to get a feel for how you might get it to work more effectively here are some suggestions. Newest Additions Viewed 38 Times )

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Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


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