The Performance Management and Appraisal Reference Library

Welcome to the Performance Appraisal and Performance Management Reference Library. Our purpose is to allow you to find the best articles on performance management and appraisal on the net. You'll find free access to appraisal forms, information about 360 feedback and the balanced scorecard, critiques, suggestions, performance management models, etc.

2015 Performance Management Library Update

Over the years, we have come to realize that performance management isn't just about the narrow context of employee reviews.

Performance management links up to many many important elements essential to running a successful organization.

For example, there are clear links between creating meaning for employees, and employee engagement, and the way to do that is to set individual goals, while at the same time, ensuring that employees understand how they contribute to the achievement of the organizations PURPOSE.

For this reason, you'll find a number of topics below that tie in to the entire management process.

Note: Articles are displayed in groups per page. Make sure you check out all the articles in your favorite category by clicking on the "next " link at the bottom of each listing page. Newest performance management information added in last 28 days is available here.

Note: Some document types may not display properly on the wide range of devices you may use to access this site. If the article doesn't appear, click on "If articles does not appear, CLICK HERE" at the top of the page.

Note: We do our best to remove material is no longer available. We apologize if the article you are looking for is not available.

Performance Management and Appraisal Topics

360 Degree Feedback (27) new
360 degree feedback is often used and misused for purposes it is not suited for. Read about strengths, weaknesses, and how to use it properly.
4 Employees (36)
No matter where in the organization you are, it's likely you will have your work performance reviews by one or more people "above you". This section is for all of us who "get reviewed".
(Dealing With A Bad Review) (Writing Self Appraisals)
Abolish Performance Reviews- -The Case For Scrapping Them (13)
Deming, Coens, Scholtes, and Jenkins have suggested scrapping performance reviews. Here are some references so you can review for yourself the case for abolishing reviews.
Advice and Suggestions (14)
Learn how to improve performance reviews and appraisals from these articles providing advice and suggestions about how to do evaluations properly.
Alternatives To The Annual Performance Review (26)
What alternatives are there to the traditional once a year performance appraisal system that so many people hate and criticize. That's our focus in this section, and we'll include suggestions by critics, and case studies of companies who have changed what they do.
(Adobe Experience) (Accenture)
Bacal And Associates Product Listings (12)
Examine and browse our many helpcards and books for manager, HR pros, communication specialists. Instant delivery via the Internet
Balanced Scorecard (19)
The balanced scorecard has become more common in the evaluations of senior staff and executives. Balanced scorecard articles are in this section.
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Systems - BARS (7)
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Systems (or BARS) involves an attempt to move rating systems to a more objective process by tying ratings to specific behaviors. The problem remains: Ratings are ratings and subject to all kinds of bias. Here you'll find information and analysis of BARS advantages and disadvantages.
Best and Worst Performance Management Practices (6)
We highlight case studies of both best and worst practices with respect to performance management and appraisals.
Books - Cream of The Crop On Performance Management (0)
The best books on performance management and appraisal are summarized or reviewed in this section.
Critiques and Criticisms of Performance Management (22)
Find critiques and criticisms, including surveys and research, of performance management and appraisal techniques.
Employee Engagement (59) new
Employee engagement is a term coined recently to describe employees who are highly motivated to perform. It may be a new buzzword for the new millenium, but there's a good amount of research tied to identifying this possibly valuable concept regarding employee performance. Read more here.
(Research Studies) (Criticism)
Employee Ranking Systems (21)
Read about the alleged positives and negatives of using an employee ranking system that puts one employee in competition with others.
(Rank and Yank)
Employee Rating Systems (11)
The most used method of employee and performance appraisal involves the use of various rating scales. It's also a very weak and flawed method for improving performance. Here you will find more information on rating systems, their problems, and how to use.
Employee Recognition (8) new
The recognition of employee successes is often neglected by busy managers, but it's a powerful and no cost method of improving morale, motivation, and employee productivity. Here we'll look at various methods ans employee recogition strategies, both formal and informal.
FAQS-Internal (0)
Organizations sometimes put together frequently asked questions files for internal distribution, on the topics of performance management and appraisal. We include some here, in case you want to develop your own and want some examples to work from.
Forms Letters and Other Tools (10)
Find performance management and appraisal forms you can modify, examples of documentation, and other tools.
Frequently Asked Performance Management Questions and Answers (13)
In this section you'll find links to hundreds of often asked questions about performance management, employee reviews, goal setting and much more, from our site database.
Giving Employees Performance Feedback (6) new
Feedback is an essential part of improving performance regardless of current performance levels. It's needed to maintain high performers, and improve poor performers. Learn to provide feedback to employees.
Guides-Internal For Employees (0)
Many organizations have made available the instructions and guides they give to employees to help them understand their rights and obligations re: performance appraisal. Handy in determining what people are doing in the real world.
Guides-Internal For Managers and Evaluators (3)
As with internal guides to performance management and appraisal for employees, many organizations make their internal guides available on the Internet. Helpful in determining what goes on in the world of performance management in diverse organizations.
Hooper - Bacal Performance Management Model (10)
Every one talks about how bad performance reviews are, but few actually do things differently. The Hooper-Bacal Method is based on real world success with performance management and is simple, human, and effective in improving performance.
Human Resources World (4)
Performance management and performance improvement are usually linked to, or lead to the door of the human resources (HR) folks, so we've decided to set up an area for them. Find trends, advice, articles, etc, on many aspects of personnel and HR functions.
Humorous Look At Performance Appraisals (3)
Time to lighten up and laugh about performance appraisals and employee reviews. Here you'll find humor and funny stories about performance appraisals.
Job or Profession Specific Information (18)
Here you'll find various resources specific to particular jobs or professions and the performance management and appraisal process.
(Teacher Evaluations)
Leadership And Managing Performance (4)
Most leaders don't see themselves as being part of, and essential to managing employee performance, perhaps because they see this as a "management" responsibility, but there are huge advantages for leaders to look at how performance is or isn't managed in their organizations.
Legal Issues and Labor Law (20)
It's important everyone know their rights and obligations with respect to employment and performance management, appraisal and discipline. Here you'll find various articles on labor law.
Management By Objectives (11)
Find information and articles about management by objectives (or MBO), one of the more defensible methods for evaluating and managing performance that includes setting measurable results and evaluating to those standards.
Measuring Performance - Performance Measurement (10)
It seems that measuring performance is critical to performance management and appraisal, AND to improving productivity, both on an individual and corporate level. It's a thorny problem, and here are some perspectives on performance measurement and metrics.
Objective Setting and Performance Planning (19)
Goal setting, setting objectives and performance planning serve as the bedrock for performance management and appraisal. Learn how to do it properly.
Performance Appraisal Discussions and Meetings (7) new
How performance appraisal meetings are conducted dictates the effectiveness of the entire process. Here's help with how to conduct the actual appraisal meeting and discussions about performance.
Performance Appraisals and Culture (3)
Performance appraisal is largely an American invention consistent with U.S. culture. Does national culture (or for that matter organizational culture) affect how and whether performance appraisals work? Of course. Read about cultural effects on performance management.
Performance Coaching (9)
Appraisals and reviews aren't enough to improve employee performance. Coaching and working with employees is an important part of performance management. Learn about performance coaching here.
Performance Management and Appraisal - General (26)
Here you'll find a number of high quality articles on performance management and appraisal. Only the best are listed.
Performance Problems - Dealing With and Progressive Discipline (14)
Performance problems are a major challenge for most managers. Performance management and appraisal provide tools for dealing with employee performance problems when used properly. Here you'll find information on dealing with these situations, and progressive discipline.
Policies and Internal Guides (6)
Here you'll find various policies and guides used by organizations that have made these performance management documents available online.
Research (9)
Here you'll find research on the use and effectiveness of performance appraisals and management. Some may be academic or complex in nature.
(Abstracts Or Pay To Read)
Rewards and Compensation (25) new
A hot topic - the effects of rewards on performance and how to use them to motivate, and connect them to performance appraisals and merit. Find Alfie Kohn discussions.
Six Sigma (2)
Six Sigma is a rigorous and disciplined methodology that uses data and statistical analysis to measure and improve a company's operational performance by identifying and eliminating "defects" in manufacturing and service-related processes. While not a method for improving individual performance as much as organizational performance, it's a valuable tool.
Software and Technology Approaches (4)
Technology and software are more and more used with performance management and appraisals, including 360 degree feedback. Find articles on software uses here.
Special Merit (11)
Sometimes we'll find exceptional resources that deserve special attention in the fields of performance improvement, managing performance, and performance appraisals. They may be books, research or other free material, and this is where they go.
Unc (16)
Area for articles that have not yet been classified into a category.
Video Instruction On Performance Management (3)
These days, it seems we've made scarce progress on making performance management and appraisal helpful, useful and comfortable. In this section, you'll find videos we feel may be helpful in helping you improve things, whether you are a supervisor, executive, HR professional, or employee need to get ready for your meeting.

There are 596 performance management related resources for you to choose from!

Pages Updated On: 6-Sep-2016 - 15:26:57

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About Company

Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992 by consultant and book author, Robert Bacal. Robert's books on performance management and reviews have been published by McGraw-Hill. He is available for consultation, training and keynote speaking on performance and management at work.


Robert Bacal

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We Believe

  • Performance management and appraisal MUST be a partnership between manager and employee where BOTH benefit.
  • Performance management can be the lever for improved employee engagement.
  • The review process is the LEAST important part of performance management
  • If managers aren't managing employee performance, why are they there?

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    (613) 764-0241
  • Email: [email protected]
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  • 722 St. Isidore Rd.
  • Casselman
  • Ontario
  • Canada, K0A 1M0